What We Do

Our Mission

Professional fishing guides dedicated to the protection and conservation of the Roaring Fork and lower Colorado region fisheries. Guides and angler promoting awareness and stewardship for future generations.

In 2014 a group of Roaring Fork Valley fishing guides, local fly shops, and outfitters were experiencing firsthand the many variables affecting the fishing in our valley. These men and women came together with an idea to create a collective voice. This was in the hope of handling the numerous fishing issues for commercial and recreational users surrounding all our local rivers. A common vision was formed to create a fishing guide alliance, we then could discuss the concerns of fishing guides in the Roaring Fork Valley and act as a voice for each other, the public, as well as local and state authorities. Now 10 years later the Roaring Fork Fishing Guide Alliance (RFFGA) is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization with valley-wide support. The alliance and our members have had positive impacts on the ecosystems of the Roaring Fork, Fryingpan, and Colorado River’s. However, the RFFGA is aware of the many changing variables and threats that are ever present to the watershed and guide industry. Ensuring that the wild trout we all pursue with a passion are here for generations to come.

“Rivers need ambassadors, and the Roaring Fork Fishing Guide Alliance is making major impacts towards the enjoyment and health of our local waters by promoting etiquette, communication and driving home a strong catch-and-release mindset.”

— Post Independent

What We’ve Achieved

  • In collaboration with CPW, the RFFGA has played a key role in developing and maintaining spawning closure areas/signage on the Roaring Fork and Colorado Rivers. This collaborative effort will continue moving forward.

  • In a collaborative effort with CPW and the Town of Carbondale, the RFFGA spearheaded the Carbondale boat ramp's signage overhaul (2023) and its ongoing maintenance. Our commitment extends to facilitating clean-up days and installing parking pavers and boat tie-ups, enhancing the public's experience.

  • In 2022 and 2023 the RFFGA bought and installed over 40 tons of road base at the Westbank boat ramp. After the Spring runoff, the ramp was in terrible shape with many large, sharp rocks directly in the path of boaters and their vehicles trying to launch and take out. We did this with permission from Colorado Parks and Wildlife. We will continue this project as needed.

  • The RFFGA collaborated closely with CPW in response to elevated water temperatures on the Roaring Fork, Crystal, and Colorado Rivers during 2021 and 2022. The alliance actively supported CPW's efforts by producing and installing signage at critical access points, informing the public of the situation through email and social media, and facilitating volunteer closures. The RFFGA stands ready to assist CPW in similar future situations, ensuring effective communication and mitigation strategies.

  • The RFFGA advocated for the implementation of a sticker program in collaboration with CPW. This initiative, launched in 2022, equips legal and compliant outfitters operating within State Wildlife Areas with unique stickers for their boats and vehicles. This program enhances identification and ensures adherence to regulations.

  • In collaboration with other stakeholders, the RFFGA identified safety hazards at the Robinson Ditch/Emma drop area for both commercial and recreational boaters. This collaborative effort led to a significant restructuring of the drop in 2022, resulting in a safe passage for all users.

  • The RFFGA partnered with the Town of Silt to spearhead a signage and boat ramp improvement project at Silt Island Park on the Colorado River. This collaborative effort resulted in the installation of new signage and significant enhancements to the parking areas and boat ramp access, improving the overall user experience.

  • Developed a comprehensive social media presence to keep members and the public informed on all matters concerning our rivers.